Monday, 23 September 2013

Super Clean Green Juice

Green Juice Ingredients

This is one of Sprout’s all-time favourite recipes!  In fact, from start to finish she loves every aspect of this recipe. She adores pushing all the ingredients into the juicer, before pouring the juice into a cup and gulping down the final product.

This foolproof recipe consists of five simple ingredients – kale, lemon, apple, ginger and mint.
Having made this weekly for the last few months, I have discovered that you can add as much or as little of each ingredient as you like. Generally, I use a handful of kale, 1 lemon, 1 to 2 apples, 1-1.5cm of ginger and a small handful of mint leaves. Sometimes I add water to dilute it, sometimes I don’t. It’s totally up to you!
The best thing about this juice is that you feel like you are drinking something that is really good for you which is going to give you lots of energy without the dreaded sugar slump.

Sprout's Moustache and 'Cheers Mummy'

If you don’t have a juicer, the recipe recommends that you can use a blender and then push all the ingredients through a sieve. However, I’ve tried this a couple of times and it just doesn’t seem to taste the same!

Green Juice Close Up

The inside of your juicer! Your insides however, will be clean and sparkling once they’ve had a hit of this super juice!

A Glass of Green Juice

 Long week ahead? 
This will definitely give you the energy to power through!

Sprout’s House


  1. That's great she likes green juice, and your recipe sounds yummy! Thanks for sharing at Throwback Thursday.


  2. I make almost the exact same green drink for breakfast every morning! I never thought to add ginger though :) Must. Try.
