Monday 7 October 2013


Monday Musings Sprout's House

…. has been creeping ever closer to Sprout’s House over the last few weeks. Whilst out walking this weekend, we tramped down paths strewn with leaves the most glorious shade of red, traipsed over fields surrounded by a plethora of blackberry bushes and delicately picked our way over dozens of fallen crab apples beside the local canal.

Sprout's House

Sprout tasted her first handful of blackberries straight from the bush and delighted in standing back and watching us risk our hands and forearms as we attempted to reach the most juicy fruits that were always hanging that little bit further into the thicket or that little bit higher above our heads.

Sprout's House

We have made a mental note to return this time next year armed with baskets in which to store our precious bounty ready to be made into jams, jellies and crumbles.

On another note, whilst thinking ahead to next year we realised that we have lived in Sprout’s ‘New’ House for almost a year! In fact, by the time you read this we will have reached 50 weeks and 2 days mark.

Sprout’s House

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