Saturday 27 April 2013

Spring Has Sprung.....

Or not……amusingly as I write this the sky is leaden and it is hailing! Yes....I kid you not.... hailing!! 

After a week of sun, blue skies and more importantly warm temperatures – my car recorded an oh-so tropical 23˚C mid-week – the weather has, once again, turned. However, I’m going to plough on regardless in the hope that the sun might return ……at some point!!

Last weekend, a little glimpse out the kitchen window signalled that spring had really and truly finally sprung. 

Our lilac tree was sporting little buds, some daffodils had popped up along with some other unidentified plants?! Can you tell I’m not really a gardener? Can anyone tell me the name of the blue and purple flowers in the picture?

Sprout’s House

P.S The sun also meant we had little bit of Sprout Scooter-ing action!


  1. Not sure of the name of the blue ones but the purple one is called Aubretia (think that's the right spelling?). Flowers in early spring and us often seen spreading over walls that are in full sun :-)

  2. Thanks for letting me know - think I need to start cultivating my green fingers!! xox
