Day 6 of Twelve
Days of Christmas adds a bit of sparkle to your tree!
What you need –
1x A4 paper
Rolling pin
Cookie/playdough cutters
Assorted utensils to create the patterns
eg skewers, small knife
White paint
Glitter or glitter spray
First choose
which cutters you are going to use. Taking each cutter in turn, draw around them on the A4 paper and cut out. Use these paper shapes to draw your design on or just freehand it! I used the template found in Christmas Crafting In No Time
Next, break off a chunk of clay. Roll it out flat until it’s about 5mm thick. Press one of the cutters into the clay and then push out the shape.
If you’re free handing your design you can get cracking now. Otherwise if you have created a
paper design, place the paper shape on top of the clay shape. Using a biro, trace over your design so that you create a slight imprint in the clay.
Then start
creating the pattern using whatever implements you have in your kitchen. I used
a square metal skewer, a thin round wooden skewer and a small vegetable knife.
To make different sized holes, gently rotate the utensil in the hole pushing
outwards as you go.
Once you are
happy with your design, allow your clay to harden. Then paint or spray paint
Allow to dry and either spray with glitter spray or coat with PVA glue and sprinkle with glitter.
Sprout’s HouseAllow to dry and either spray with glitter spray or coat with PVA glue and sprinkle with glitter.
This is Sprout's collection of hearts and a reindeer - she loves glitter as much as her mummy!
Happy weekend everyone!
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